In less than a week the team and I are off to Harrogate to see all of our designers, watch the awesome catwalk shows and (perhaps most excitingly) we’ll be attending the 2015 Bridal Buyer Awards! They’re literally the Oscars of our industry and we are so flipping proud and excited to be finalists in no less than three categories!!! We’re finalists in the Customer Services category, the Bridal Retailer of the year category and for the Best Groomswear Retailer too! We will of course be so thrilled if we bag ourselves an incredible title but of course for now we are really celebrating the fact that we are three times finalists. We wish all of our Competitors, Suppliers and Designers the very best of luck in the awards, win or lose we intend to enjoy a glitteringly glamorous evening… last time we ended the evening in a kebab shop! Who knows where this evening will lead this time…