Abigail’s Collection Girlies Get Naked!

Abigail’s Collection Girlies Get Naked!

Abigail’s Collection Girlies Get Naked!. Mobile Image

Jul 07, 2011

As I type this, I am sitting and (sort of) bouncing on a gigantic blue plastic birthing ball, it’s proving tricky…. I’ve fallen off twice and the laptop isn’t balancing too well!! You see I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of our baby girl! Now just one day over my actual due date and I’ve decided to throw myself into some creative writing in order to keep my mind off well, erm, things!!  Please forgive any jumpy typo’s this is a little harder than I thought.  Oh and if this blog ends mid sentence then it’s because labour’s kicked off and I’ve gone to get some towels… Oooooo gosh, what a thought, mid blog!!!


Unbelievably the black and white image (right) is of me taken during a very special ‘bump boudoir’ photo shoot taken by the ‘For Your Eyes Only’ team based in Chelmsford, Essex.  I hummed and arr’d about whether it was a tad too much info to include my semi naked bump on here and then decided that it was the best way to illustrate the sheer magical talent and brilliance of this special photographic team that I’m going to tell you about; you see if I can look this good at 8 months pregnant then trust me, there is hope for us all, pregnant or not!!!


So last month I announced this, my latest compulsory task …. ”Right girls (authoritative tone) you’re going to get your kit off for the camera!! I’d like us to start promoting this photographic team to our brides and as with all of our recommended partners, there’s no way we can do so unless we’ve experienced it for ourselves.  So; it’s kit off, say cheese and it’ll be fine!” Poor Amanda turned a lighter shade of grey and probably wondered why she ever accepted our job offer, Ashleigh tried to look keen and bravely exclaimed ‘bring … it … on!’ and Kirsty screamed ‘OMG! No way! I feel like a sixty year old trying to break out of a 25 year old’s body!! I, meanwhile was thinking about the collection of massive pants that I own and wondering if perhaps now was the time to purchase something a bit less granny like!


On the basis we were lucky enough to be invited to experience these fabulous boudoir photo shoots, we talked it through and accepted the invitation with gusto and set off to the gorgeous ‘For Your Eye’s Only’ studio based in Chelmsford in Essex.  Tara, Alex and the all female team at FYEO specialise in full body makeover portraits and aim to create beautiful, sexy portraits which are designed to celebrate every body shape and age.  Together the team create tastefully sexy, mysteriously arty portraits to capture your more private side!  Amanda, Kirsty, Ashleigh and I headed to the studio ready to (nervously) bare all for the camera and let me tell you …. the day was AMAZING the FYEO team were AMAZING and the photo results of us were all totally AMAZING!!  Actually it felt as though it was more than just a photo shoot, it was actually much more of an experience – it was (genuinely) an esteem building and body confidence boosting experience – a day that we shall all never forget.


The FYEO team do an amazing job at making you feel safe and secure, and after a fab makeover and private photo shoot with lots of direction and help we all agreed there is little need to feel scared or nervous, it was actually great fun once we got started.  I genuinely think that every woman should experience a private photo shoot like this at whatever age!  I’ve got some beautiful images celebrating my long awaited pregnancy and the girls have some absolutely stunning images of them looking totally sensational in their underwear.


Some of you already know that we have the FYEO gift boxes in-store for sale and that we think that Brides should consider having a photo shoot and album put together as a special gift for the Groom.  Can you imagine just how surprised and made up he would be, if,  the eve before the wedding he opens up a picture or album of you looking glamorously gorgeous and hot hot hot!! I should stress that these photographic boudoir experiences are designed for women of any age and any shape and actually not just for Brides – they’re a once in a lifetime experience and I for one am thrilled I took the plunge… Contact us for more info about these fantastic boudoir sessions or visit the FYEO website for more information.  Huge thanks once again to Alex, Tara and all of the Girls we can’t wait to see the finished results from our Customer’s shoots and just know that they will love their time with you just as we did x x